Drink the benefits of Ganoderma coffee and also sample all the other DXN products and enjoy the difference!

Thanks to the Ganoderma Mushroom, its extract can be mixed with High Quality Arabica coffee from Brazil. This creates a very unique taste, as well as has a very positive effect on the body.
Your body accumulates acids which are neutralized by the effects of the Ganoderma mushroom if used regularly. This mushroom will also regulate blood pressure and stabilize the effects of high and low fluctuations in the body.
The Ganoderma Mushroom (Ganoderma Lucidum) contains nearly 200 alimentary substances which have positive effects on our body. One of those ingredients is Organic Germanium which is one of the most healing substances in Nature. The Ganoderma Mushroom is a virtuous plant therefore not containing side effects which weaken the body after long term use. In fact, this type of mushroom improves your immune system and helps the body heal itself more rapidly.
» The DXN Ganoderma Coffee